Game-changing Sukin Skincare Products You Need to Try

We often tend to look at the ingredients that are used to make the food we eat but, we never pay attention to what goes into the products that we use on the largest organ of our body, the skin. The Australian bran, Sukin Naturals, advocates the use of more natural ingredients and craft beautiful products that are free from additives and any harsh chemicals that can cause damage to our skin. Sukin Naturals recently launched their skincare range in the United Arab Emirates. I was quite excited as had heard so much about the amazing quality of their skincare…

Superfoods and Skincare with Elemis

According to Merriam-Webster, a superfood is a food that is rich in compounds (such as antioxidants, fiber, or fatty acids) considered beneficial to a person’s health. Therefore, in order to class something as a superfood, there must be some scientific research proving the properties it possess. Some say they boost energy and prevent the occurrence of various diseases alongside their anti-cancer properties. Here is where the problem lies, most of the research that backs up the claims is often riddled with flaws. For instance, the consumption of chia seeds was initially thought to have an effect on cardiovascular risk factors…